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Cookie Modules (Cookies)


By browsing the website club.life-care.com , website owned by SC Life Care Corp SRL, the visitors express their consent to receive Cookies.


Cookies are text files encoded and stored in its browser when you access certain web pages. Each site or web application will place their Cookies.

Cookies do not request personal information, cannot identify persons and do not offer access to the device's hard disk with which browse.


Data collected using Cookies, are used only to facilitate certain functionalities for the user, so as to enable him/her a friendly browsing and adapted to his/her preferences and interests.


Information note on personal data protection


According to the requirements of Law no. 677/2001 for protection of persons regarding personal data processing and free circulation of these data, amended and supplemented and Law no. 506/2004 concerning personal data processing and protection of private life in electronic communication sector, SC LIFE CARE CORP SRL is required to manage safely and only for specified purposes, the personal data you provide us about yourself, a member of your family or another person.

The purpose of data collection is: multi level marketing type trade, advertising, marketing and publicity.

The data you provide are used either to help for package delivery with ordered products, or to guide you towards the products appropriate to your needs if you would subscribe to newsletter, or to assign you a unique identification code within our system, if you choose to register as Promoter Customer, Brand Partner or Microfranchising Partner. In case of choosing one of the three options mentioned above, failure to supply the personal number (CNP) and the series and number of the identity card lead to impossibility to allocate a unique registration code, so that you won't have access to the related benefits of these options (specific promotions, etc). In case you choose for the registration as an Occasional Customer, we mention that the personal number (CNP), series and number of the identity card are not necessary to be provided.

Registered data are intended to be used by the operator and are communicated only to the following recipients: concerned persons, delivery services for products dispatching (Last Name, First Name, Address, Telephone number)


If you want to receive information about the products, services, events, etc. offered by SC LIFE CARE CORP SRL please subscribe to Life Care newsletters, accessing the home page of the website: club.life-care.com.


According to Law no. 677/2001, you have the right to access, change data, the right not to be subjected to an individual decision and the right to go to court. In the same time, you have the right to oppose personal data processing related to you and request their erasure*. To exercise these rights, you may submit a written request, dated and signed to SC Life Care Corp SRL, DN 59, km 8+550, left side, Chisoda, Timi? County, at the Reception, telephone +40 256 274 039. Also, it is recognized the right to go to court.

Your data will be used only in Romania. If some data about you is not correct, please inform us as soon as possible.



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