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Information note regarding the personal data protection


Personal Data Protection

According to the requirements of Law no. 677/2001 for personal protection regarding the personal data processing and free circulation of this data, amended and supplemented, and Law no. 506/2004 regarding the personal data processing and private life protection in the electronic communications sector, S.C. Life Care Corp S.R.L. is obligated to manage the personal data supplied to us only under safe conditions and for the purposes specified.


The purpose of collecting your personal data is, as the case may be: 

  • Your registration in the Life Care partners network, specific for the multilevel marketing sales type, by attributing a unique identification code; execution of the collaboration contract concluded with you as a Life Care Partner with the company, computing and payment of your commission by Life Care, according to the contracting provisions and the communication during the contract execution;
  • Purchasing the products sold by Life Care Corp, in MLM system and/or by online trading with the delivery of the products at the address indicated, according to the order;
  • The benefit of direct marketing actions performed by Life Care Corp, your information respectively, by sms, e-mail and/or telephone regarding the promotions and campaigns performed by Life Care, new products;
  • Profiling of your consumption; analysis of your personal preferences, behaviours and interests in order to obtain targeted products or specific offer from Life Care;
  • Newsletters sending, invitations to events;
  • Performing commercial activities by Life Care;
  • Managing the sales opportunities for Life Care Corp.


The data you supply , name, forename, date of birth, address – country, city, district/sector, street, number, building, entrance, apartment – e-mail address, telephone/mobile, professional category, position and company, personal identification nimber (CNP), identity card series and number, date of issuance respectively are used by the Life Care operator for the above mentiones purposes, either for the delivery of the package with the products ordered or in order to guide you towards products which coincide with your needs if you have subscribed to the newsletter, or in order to be given a unique identification code within our system (multilevel marketing type), according to your choice for registration as Client or Partner. In case of choosing one of the above mentioned categories, the failure to supply a personal identification number and the identity card series and number leads to the impossibility of supplying a unique registration number, thus you will not have access to the benefits relating to these options (specific promotions etc). If you choose to register as an Occasional Client, it is not necessary to supply the personal identification number and the identity card series and number. 


The personal data collected are intended to be used by the operator and are communicated only to the following receivers: the employees in the specialized departments of the company or authorized representatives of the operator and, if necessary the “Life Care” Foundation; the services suppliers collaborating with the operator for the above mentioned purposes (courier services suppliers in order to send the products - name, forename, address, telephone number -, to the payments processor, e-mails sending platform), partners in the Life Care network who have the capacity of your sponsors according to the peculiarities of the multilevel marketing sales type (if you choose the capacity of Life Care Partener), jurisdictional authorities according to the applicable legislation. The operator and entities authorized by the operator for the data processing shall establish technological, physical, administrative and procedural guarantees, all according to the norms accepted in the field in order to protect and ensure confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of your processed personal data; will prevent unauthorized use or access to the personal data or prevent the breach of the personal data security (security incident), according to the instructions, policies and laws applicable regarding Life Care Corp company.


If you wish to receive information regarding the products, services, events etc. offered by S.C. Life Care Corp S.R.L. subscribe to the Life Care newsletters by accessing the first page of the club.life-care.com website. 


Under Law no. 677/2001, you benefit from the right to request the operator the access to your personal data, their modification or deletion or the restriction of processing, the right to oppose processing but also the right to data portability – if, during the processing, you supply any consent related to the processing of your personal data, where it is requested and necessary, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any moment, without affecting the legal character of the processing performed before the withdrawal - the right to file a complaint before the national surveillance authority, the right to not be subject to an individual decision based exclusively on the automatic processing and the right to address the courts. In order to exercise these rights, you may address a written petition, dated and signed to SC Life Care Corp SRL, DN 59, km 8+550, stânga, Chișoda, județul Timiș, Reception, telephone +40 256 274 039, or by e-mail, at the address: dataprotection@life-care.com .

Your data will be used only in Romania and on the European Union territory. If the personal data processing includes transfer outside the European Union (EU), the transfer will be based on standard contracting provisions approved by the EU, thus ensuring a proper level of protection of the personal data, according to those imposed by the applicable legislation regarding data protection.


If some of your data are incorrect, please inform us as soon as possible. 


According to the provisions of Law no. 677/2001 respectively Directive 95/46/EC, S.C. Life Care Corp S.R.L. is registered with ANSPDCP under the number 10179/200. 

Trademark registration number (OSIM – State Office for Inventions and Trademarks): 137048 



If you wish to remain registered in the database as Life Care Client or Partner in order to be able to purchase products with delivery at the address you indicated, receive information through direct marketing (promotions, campaigns, new products, etc.) or benefit from the network rights resulted from the collaboration with our company (exclusively in the capacity of Partner), even after the date of May 25 th , please click the button below, read and accept the new code regarding the personal data processing. 

Expressing the consent below means that you, expressly and unambiguously, have agreed that Life Care Corp and Life Care Foundation as the case may be, processes your personal data for the purpose of executing the collaboration contract specific to the multilevel marketing (MLM) type trading and your registration in the Life Care partners network by attributing a unique identification code for the purpose of the sale and delivery of the online trading and MLM system products to you, for direct marketing actions, including by automatic means and profiles creation: name, forename, date of birth, address – country, city, district/sector, street, number, building, entrance, apartment, - e-mail address, telephone/mobile, professional category, personal identification number (CNP), identity card series and number, date of issuance .


Please update your consent regarding the personal data processing

 I voluntarily express my consent regarding the processing of my personal data, supplied to Life Care Corp company, hereinafter defined as operator, regarding the following data categories : name, forename, date of birth, address – country, city, district/sector, street, number, building, entrance, apartment – e-mail address, telephone/mobile, professional category, position and company, personal identification nimber (CNP), identity card series and number, date of issuance, and also with the processing of my personal data collected for and in connection to the following purposes:

  • Purchasing the products sold by Life Care Corp, in MLM system and/or by online trading with the delivery of the products at the address indicated, according to the order;
  • My registration in the database containing the Life Care clients and partners, specific for the multilevel marketing sale type, by attributing a unique identification code;
  • My benefiting of direct marketing actions performed by Life Care Corp, my information respectively, by sms, e-mail and/or telephone regarding the promotions and campaigns performed by Life Care, new products and/or profiling my consumption;
  • Execution of the collaboration contract with the operator, computing and payment of my commission by Life Care, according to the contracting provisions and the communication during the contract execution;
  • Analysis of my personal preferences, purchase behaviour and interests in order to obtain targeted products or specific offer from Life Care;
  • Newsletters sending, invitations to events, according to the previously expressed options;
  • Performing commercial activities by Life Care Corp;
  • Managing the sales opportunities for Life Care Corp.

I hereby expressly declare that I agree with the filming/registration and taking of new photos with the occasion and during the performance of the events organized by Life Care Company (National Gala, Seminars, Tranings for products, etc.) and expressly consent, on a free basis, to the use of these materials (audio/video recordings, photos) by Life Care company, unlimited by space and time, according to the methods this company decides for the purpose of promoting the products and the Life Care business opportunity in marketing and publicity activities and in any other purpose attached to the activity of the Company.


Personal data operator:

LIFE CARE CORP (further details on home page of the site club.life-care.com which contains the complete legal description of the company and contact address) and Life Care Foundation, if necessary.


If the personal data processing includes transfer outside the European Union (EU), the transfer will be based on standard contracting provisions approved by the EU, thus ensuring a proper level of protection of the personal data, according to those imposed by the applicable legislation regarding data protection.


The operator and entities authorized by the operator for the data processing shall establish technological, physical, administrative and procedural guarantees, all according to the norms accepted in the field in order to protect and ensure confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of your processed personal data; will prevent unauthorized use or access to the personal data or prevent the breach of the personal data security (security incident), according to the instructions, policies and laws applicable regardin Life Care Corp company.


Receivers of the personal data

My personal data will be made available to the following categories of receivers:

  • the employees in the specialized departments of the company or authorized representatives of the operator, according to the above listed;
  • group of partner entities, above listed, further details on the site club.life-care.com ;
  • partners in the Life Care network who have the capacity of mentors for me, according to the peculiarities of the multilevel marketing sales type, respectively the person/persons who have presented me with the Life Care business and who will permanently assist me in my activity, for the collaboration contract execution period;
  • Jurisdictional authorities, according to those authorized by applicable legislation.


The period during which my personal data will be processed:

The data will be processed until the revocation of the consent or for the period necessary regarding the above described purposes but not more than the validity period of the collaboration contract + 5 years (contract archiving period). After the indicated period expires, my personal data will be deleted.

My consent is expressed voluntarily for the purpose of processing my personal data, necessary for the compliance with the above described purposes. If I do not agree or subsequently send a request of modification or deletion of my data and withdraw my consent means that I will no longer have the possibility to purchase products and execute the collaboration contract concluded with Life Care.

In this case the contract is rightfully terminated beginning with the date of the request for deletion of my personal data which means that I will no longer be able to purchase Life Care products and I will not benefit from marketing promotional activities, respectively I will no longer be able to receive information sms, e-mails and/or newsletters or offers from Life Care.

I confirm that, in the capacity of targeted person, I have the right to request from the operators the access to my personal data and their modification or deletion or a limitation of the processing or regarding the object of the processing but also the right to the data transfer according to the legislation in force, the right to withdraw my consent at any moment, the right to obtain a copy of the data.

I can benefit from all the rights described in this paragraph by sending a request to the e-mail of the data operator at the address dataprotection@life-care.com .

I am aware of the fact that my personal data associated to the above described purposes (preferences, purchase behaviour and options regarding the content of the trading and marketing activities) may be used as basis for automated decisions which lead to the identification of sales opportunities within Life Care Corp company.

Also, I have the right to file a complaint with the data protection surveillance authority if I consider that the processing of my personal data infringes the applicable legislation.


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