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We believe that a happy business is one that manages to harmoniously combine the “3Ps”: People, Profit & Planet.


Our results show that WE SUCCEEDED :)


Life Care® is today the largest Romanian Direct Sales company in Romania oriented on the sale of organic, natural and vegan products, accumulating sales of over 100 million Euros!


We started the BIO movement in Romania, being the ones who first defined on Wikipedia Romania the term “BIO”, which was inexistent at that date. Being involved in numerous social responsibility activities, Life Care was nominated by “CSR Revolution” in the top of the most responsible 30 companies in Romania. The Chamber of Commerce of Romania recognized Life Care’s performance by repeatedly awarding “1st Place” - in the section of small and medium-sized companies. Starting our international activity Life Care was designated by the prestigious international magazine “Direct Selling News” as “Europe’s No1 Bio Opportunity” Numerous publications, such as Forbes, Capital, Money Channel, Biz, Wall-Street and others have detailed our activity, recognizing the efficiency of our distribution system that “returned” to the distribution team money and benefits of over 50 million $. However … the most valuable “distinction” received is the appreciation of over 1 million satisfied customers who have purchased so far over 20 million units from the over 500 products available in the Life Care offer!


We thank them for their trust!


For them we start each day with the thought of the promise that the founders of the company have established and that every person involved strives to live “Every day, with positive energy, we work efficiently, to offer you valuable products and services and a confident community so that we help you live a better and happier life”.


Their happiness is the energy that returns to us, helping us to become better, professionally and personally.


That’s why we call ourselves the HAPPY company.


Every day :)


You are welcome in our community!

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Life Care Corp is a member of Life Care Europe. Copyright © 2005 - 2020 Life Care